Silvio Meira is Emeritus Professor of the Computer Centre of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), in Recife, associate professor at the Law School of FGV-Rio, founder and president of Porto Digital's Board of Directors, co-creator and provocateur of one of the first networks of business designers in Brazil, called IKEWAI. Meira also founded and was the chief scientist of CESAR, the Center for Studies and Advanced Systems of Recife until July 2014.
Electronic engineer by the brazilian Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA, in 1977) Master of Computer Science by UFPE (1981) and Ph.D in Computer Science by the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK (1985), Meira has guided nearly 150 doctoral and master's degree thesis, published over three hundred scientific articles and many hundreds of texts on information technology and its impact on economy, society and people, and is the author of the book “New Innovative Business on Entrepreneur Growth in Brazil”, published by Casa da Palavra in October 2013.