TICAL2016 Thematic Axis

The sixth edition of TICAL, to be held from September 13th to 15th  of 2016, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is seeking for papers in the following thematic areas, chosen from an analysis of the current situation and trends in the areas.

ICT solutions for education: use of ICT in the building of personal learning environments (PLE); use of mobile devices in teaching; LMS platforms (new versions and features of the platform, blended learning, open massive courses); data analysis technics to support learning and student monitoring; repositories of educational open resources, technological development of gamification tools to support learning; concrete experiences in the redesign of learning spaces using innovative technologies (markespace, inverted classes, immersion rooms, laboratories, etc); technological solutions in order to facilitate the teaching with students with special capacities in the university (hearing and visual loss, etc.)

ICT Solutions for Research Support: scientific visualization; machine learning (technology on neural networks); simulation tools, collaborative environments to support research; management and distribution of specialized software; development of solutions in HPC (High Performance Computing); knowledge management (repositories, digital magazines), scientific data management; data mass storage services; cloud services to support research; advanced network services as support for research processes; access to science gateways through advanced networks and their use to research; remote instrumentation.

ICT Solutions for Management: collaborative tools applied to the teams who are responsible for institutional management; ICT solutions to enable the integration of traditional processes in innovative ways; data analysis systems to support the university management decisions (business intelligence, Analitycs, big data, machine learning); support to the operational processes with innovative technologies (identification, access control, control of resource use on campus, among others); methodologies and solutions to support the integration of institutional data; experiences and best practices in the identification, evaluation, acquisition and implementation of applications for institutional management; new methodologies and architectures to support the development of software applications.

ICT Solutions for Extension and Linking with the Environment: continuous improvement projects, technological solutions to facilitate the inclusion of communities with special needs in the university, or in support of social inclusion; ICT services extended beyond the campus; University participation in smart cities projects; environmental and energy sustainability, etc; solutions for event management; ICT solutions to support the social responsibility of the university (RS); technological waste management; the IT role in the measurement of the university carbon trail.

Administration and Governance of ICT: implementation of best practices in the management of ICT in aspects such as structure, organization and HR (policies, development and retention of talent), calculation and service cost management, process management, monitoring and metrics (what to measure, how, quality indicators, high availability); implementation of successful schemes in project management, innovation management, ICT knowledge management, management of data centers, providers management; definition and implementation of the Green ICT strategy; integration of institutional authorities in the definition and implementation of information security programs successfully; experiences that allowed the maturity of ICT governance in the institution.

Infrastructure: software and virtualization technologies to the efficient management of ICT infrastructure such as networks defined by software (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Data centers defined by software (SDDC); resource virtualization technologies such as); processes of adequacy and network management to support BYOD**, impact of mobility**, immersion rooms** and high-quality video conferencing**; wireless networks (internal and external WiFi solutions, new technologies such as Wireless Sensor Networks - WSN, Mobile Ad hoc Networks - MANETs, Vehicular Ad hoc Networks - VANETs, among others); identity solutions (single sing-on and mobility); storage solutions; public and/or private clouds** , integrated into the infrastructure; high performance computing (HPC); ecological sustainability criteria in the procurement of ICT (Green IT); outsourcing services; infrastructure projects for intelligent campus; impact of projects of Internet of Things (IoT) in the campus infrastructure; identification of new demands on data centers and their solutions; new methodologies and architectures that support the development of software applications.

** The concepts of "cloud", mobile devices and "BYOD", mobility, "high-quality videoconferencing" and "immersion rooms" are related to infrastructure, but as long as they are related to other axes, they should be subscribed in these.

Information Security: risk management; solutions for access management; implementation of unified identity projects; security systems context-sensitive; self-protection applications; implementation of international standards; security management and management of data; legal aspects in the provision of ICT services to the university and the protection of privacy; security in cloud services; Relevant aspects to consider in the incorporation of social networks; planning and safety management (good practices, safety guard, actions of awareness and user capacitation, among others); guard of the intellectual property of digitized information.; DMZ implementation for higher education institutions.

The papers must be submitted in strict alignment to the format established by the Guide for Authors TICAL2016 and as a Word file to the e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .



For each one of the papers selected by the Programme Committee for its presentation at TICAL2016, and to ensure that presentation, the organizers will bear the cost of airline tickets (round trip to Buenos Aires) to one of the authors of each paper.

Important dates

2016 Call opening: March 14th, 2016
Call’s Deadline: June 13th, 2016
Consultations: Until April 13th,2015, through the e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Announcement of the selected papers: July 29th, 2016
Conference: September 13th to 15th, 2016


It is expected to the papers presented in each thematic area to be centered on ICT and on how its use or incorporation helps to solve the problems that the universities of the region are facing. In the selection of the papers, some concepts are particularly privileged. They are:

  • Experiences: the submitted works must have a strong focus on experiences, since TICAL is a Conference for sharing this kind of matters. There is no interest in scientific or merely academic papers.
  • Projects or services: TICAL seeks papers that describe executed or implemented services, not just ideas or proposals that have not yet left the drawing board.
  • Focus on ICT: TICAL gathers those who are responsible for the ICT in Latin American universities. Hence, the Conference is looking for papers with focus in this area.
  • Impact on university strategy: It’s considered a very significant value the description, in case that is its approach, of the impact of a technologic solution on the strategy of the university.
  • Classification by thematic area: Authors should indicate the main axis on which are presenting their work. It is possible to choose a secondary axis in the case that the work includes more than one.

TICAL2016 Organizers:


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