TICAL Community
With the aim of making a contribution in topics related to the role and work of Directors of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Latin American universities, in 2011 RedCLARA promoted the creation of TICAL, the Network of ICT Directors from Latin American universities. The creation of this community established a first working space, to be expanded and consolidated through the organisation of an annual TICAL conference as of 2012. The active participation of Directors from different countries in the organisation of the Conference makes it possible to take into account the existing contexts in the universities across the region. The creation of this community aims to promote a space for knowledge and collaboration for the universities’ directors of technology, in which it is possible to share experiences, exchange knowledge, promote initiatives, understand tendencies and address common issues, among others. TICAL also opens up the possibility of making connections between institutions, thus promoting the creation of collaboration links in order to make the most of the synergies in the group.
TICAL’s current and potential members are the directors of information technologies from universities and research centres that are part of the national networks connected to RedCLARA (it is also open to university authorities and academics and researchers in the field), and representatives from RedCLARA’s corporate member organisations and companies (the latter are incorporated through an invitation).
In 2014 the TICAL Community defined the following dominant themes:
- Network and mobile infrastructure
- Academic services
- Services to support institutional management
- Governance and legal aspects to take into account in the delivery of technology services of ICT
The TICAL Conference is the space where the TICAL community gets together face to face in order to be nourished by the experiences, initiatives and knowledge presented by experts from universities (mostly) in the region, and contribute with meaningful and unprecedented solutions for all fields of university work from the area of information and communication technologies (ICT).
TICAL2015 | Viña del Mar, Chile, 6 to 8 July 2015 TICAL2014 | Cancun, Mexico, 26 to 28 May 2014 TICAL2013 | Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 8 and 9 July 2013 TICAL2012 | Lima, Peru, 2 and 3 July 2012 TICAL2011 | Panama City, Panama, 20 and 21 June 2011
The TICAL Conference is also an ideal space for those companies and organisations that wish to obtain frontline information in the field of ICT in Latin American universities. Apart from introducing their services and products in the commercial exhibition organised as part of the Conference, their representatives can participate in all the activities in the Conference’s programme, particularly in the panel discussions and working meetings, which enables them to learn first-hand about the interests and issues in this field, as well as the projects that the universities are implementing in the area of ICT. They can also organise demonstration sessions which enhance their relationship with the academic community. For the members of the TICAL community, this relationship with ICT companies is highly positive, in that it gives them the chance to learn about tendencies, products and services and compare the different alternatives offered by each provider.
Here RedCLARA clearly shows its role as articulator and its experience always in the technological border.
If you are a company representative and wish to participate in future versions of the TICAL Conference, please contact us in the following email and we will get back to you.

Marcela Larenas
// Studies Manager marcela.larenas  redclara.net (+56) 2 2584 86 18 #507 Chile
Organised by RedCLARA, these meetings are part of series of virtual meetings of the TICAL community and are held in the periods in between the annual conferences. Thematic meetings are defined as collaboration activities of the directors of technology who are part of the TICAL community; in this sense these meetings aim to provide participants with an opportunity for revision and discussion about topics which have been defined as relevant within the community.
Give a look to all the TICAL Thematic Meetings >>
Propose a Thematic Meeting: Please write to:

Marcela Larenas
// Studies Manager marcela.larenas  redclara.net (+56) 2 2584 86 18 #507 Chile
- Seminars or talks. These are organised with relevant actors who contribute with their experiences and knowledge in specific aspects being discussed inside the thematic groups which are part of the TICAL Community, and promote best practices in the management of information technologies in universities. Thematic Meetings are part of this strand.
- Search for alliances to develop training courses and/or materials.
- Information collection. Implemented in order to identify common projects, issues and needs.
- Share through a repository the work and experiences of the Community’s members.
- Presentations by companies. They introduce their products, solutions or strategies for technological incorporation for universities across the region.
- Search for alliances and further proximity with other organisations that are of interest to the Community.
Repository: As one of TICAL’s objectives is to promote exchange and establish work relationships between the directors of information and communication technologies from Latin America, so they can share experiences and interests in areas related to their work, this repository was created to include all the papers presented at the annual TICAL Conferences. The papers incorporated into this repository will have security restrictions so that they cannot be modified as agreed with the authors. This way, these papers will be available for visualisation only and it won’t be possible to edit them since they will be uploaded in PDF format.
Do your TICAL's documents and publications search by cliking HERE >>
Is you need more information about TICAL's Community and/or Conference and their activities, please write to:

Marcela Larenas
// Studies Manager marcela.larenas  redclara.net (+56) 2 2584 86 18 #507 Chile