TICAL2016 is searching for interinstitutional collaboration projects to be presented in the Conference


Seeking to promote the cooperation between the higher education institutions in the region, the TICAL community calls the interested to submit, until June 16th, proposals for interinstitutional projects that address the themes of the Conference 2016 (described in the thematic axis) and that could be benefited and empowered by the collaboration between different academic institutions in Latin America. An author of each selected proposal will receive the airfare as an incentive to participate in TICAL2016 and present its project at the conference.

The collaborative projects searched by the TICAL Community should convene the members of the higher education institutions in the region, preferably those that integrate the community, to actively participate in them. In addition, it should address some of the themes included within the thematic axis of the TICAL2016 Conference:

  • ICT solutions for education
  • ICT Solutions for Research Support
  • ICT Solutions for Management
  • ICT Solutions for Extension and Linking with the Environment
  • Administration and Governance of ICT
  • Infrastructure
  • Information Security

Proposals should contain, at least, the following sections:

a) Project’s objective
b) General description of the proposal.
c) Expected results (deliverables).
d) Benefits that will bring to the project the collaboration among the participant institutions.
e) Participant institutions (partners) with a brief description of each one.
f) Working plan (depicting the main activities).
g) Work methodology.
h) Resources and available elements to help the project to succeed.

The Program Committee of TICAL2016 will evaluate the received projects and will choose a maximum of three (3) to be presented in the Conference. In order to encourage and ensure the presentation of each selected project, the author of the same - or one of them, in case of a collective work - will receive the flight tickets to attend the Conference.

Among the evaluation criteria, the projects that will be prioritized will be those that show relevance to the community, feasibility, a broad scope, institutional backing, a number of participating institutions.

The presentation made by the head of the project must motivate other institutions to participate in it, in order to get partners for its implementation. The project does not need to be in course, but the institution responsible for it should be able to move forward on its development.

Presentation format:
The project proposal should be presented in a document that has a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 pages long, in PDF format (Arial, size 10, or Times New Roman, size 12, with 25 lines per page).

Sending format:
Proposals should be sent in PDF to the e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . The "subject", should be identified as "TICAL2016: interinstitutional collaboration project." In the body of the e-mail should be included the name of the project and the contact information of the person responsible for it (full name, institution, title, country, phone, e-mail).

Important dates:
June 13th, 2016 | Deadline for submission of the projects proposals
July 29th, 2016 | Notification of the selected projects

TICAL2016 Organizers:


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