TICAL 2013: These are the outstanding speakers of the Conference

Distinguished experts from Brazil, Colombia, Spain and the United States will be part of the intensive program that will have as stage the walled city of the Colombian Caribbean, Cartagena de Indias. Meet them here:

TICAL 2013Mauro Cesar Bernardes
Head of the technology division of the Electronic Computer Center (ECC), University of São Paulo. Brazil.
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Luis Enrique Arango
Rector of the Technological University of Pereira, and director of the State University System of Colombia (SUE). Colombia.
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Tomás Jiménez García
Executive Secretary of the Technology Sector of the Conference of Directors of the Spanish Universities. Spain.
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Shelton Waggener
Senior Vice President of Internet2. USA.
(>Read more)

On July 8 and 9, 2013, Cartagena of Indias (Colombia) will host the Third Conference of Information and Communication Technologies Directors from higher education institutions.

Important dates

April 15th: Paper submission
May 15th: Authors notification
July 8th and 9th: TICAL 2013 Conference - Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

More information: http://tical_2013.redclara.net/

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