In Chile, next 6-8 July: Viña del Mar will host TICAL2015

Viña del Mar, Chile - TICAL2015Also known as the "Garden City" and located just over an hour from Santiago, the city of Viña del Mar, in Chile, will held between July  6th and 8th, 2015, the fifth edition of TICAL Conference, organized by RedCLARA and the National Research and Education network of Chile, REUNA, in partnership with Edutic.

According to Paola Arellano, executive director of REUNA, the chilean network sought to bring the Conference to its country considering that "TICAL is a great opportunity for the Chilean higher education communities to discuss with their fellows in Latin America about the challenges faced in their management as well as share experiences about ICT solutions. "

About the choice of Viña del Mar to host the event, Arellano says the city is the perfect place to hold an international meeting like TICAL. "Viña del Mar offers us an excellent hotel chain, as well as proximity to Santiago," she says, also highlighting other attractions of the city as its climate, tourist attractions, beautiful beaches and green areas, as well as its excellent cuisine.

In the coming days TICAL2015 will open its call and announce other details about the event.

TICAL2016 Organizers:


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